La Guesistance se creó hace algunos años con el fin de combatir la amenaza de los numerianos (Many years have passed...History became Legend...Legend became Myth). Aquí podréis leer algunas de sus hazañas...o a veces, directamente lo que me de la gana, que para eso el blog lo escribo yo....aunque ultimamente se ha apuntado algún otro miembro (nos encanta que nos llamen miembros)

lunes, marzo 19, 2007

Pixies (Y III) Where is my mind??

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground

Try this trick and spin it, yeah!

Your head will collapse

But there's nothing in it

And you'll ask yourself....

Where is my mind??

Pixies (II)....Broken Face

There was this boy who had two
Children with his sisters
They were his daughters
They were his favourite lovers

Pixies (I) Vamos a jugar por la playa....

They`ll come and play

Their friends will say

Your daddy's rich

Your mamma is a pretty thing...

...and that maid Maria, she's really ok

viernes, marzo 09, 2007

El viajero tío Matt

Os acordáis de tio Matt el viajero? Que se dedicaba a viajar por el mundo y a enviar postales a su sobrino?? Pues ahora me toca viajar tanto como a él, ya iré mandando alguna postal de vez en cuando.